Free Trial
We offer a Free Trial session for player’s evaluation conducted by our certified coaches.

Progresive Level System
Players start of as ‘white’ level and are graded every 6 months or 26 sessions to move up a level. There are 7 levels to reach master level ‘black’.

1 v 1
ProBall is unique and the only system in the world that uses this tested and proven methodology of creating expert dribbles through the game of 1v1.
ProBall Mastery – We Also Focus On Life Skills !
We demand that the player play within the rules at all times. The system is based on the development of each and every player and that includes the fellow ProBall athletes who end up as our opponents.
This quality is related to fairness. We gladly allow our opponet his ball when we are the one who putt the ball out of bouds for exmaple. We want to always compete within the rules.
We respect and encourage the development of every single member around us as they too are learning and progressing just as we are doing within the same system.
We persist in mastering each and every challeng. We never give up. We persist until we succed.